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2018-12-14 01:53:50 -0600 answered a question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

I obtained better results by changing my approach.Instead of trying to take the brain out of the MRI , I separate the te

2018-12-13 23:09:27 -0600 commented question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

@albertofernandez check my updated question

2018-12-13 23:08:58 -0600 edited question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding I am trying to extract region of interest in the following image with otsu

2018-12-10 10:22:27 -0600 commented question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

I think a better way to segment the mask is to flood fill the white region inside the brain

2018-12-09 02:03:28 -0600 edited question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding I am trying to extract region of interest in the following image with otsu

2018-12-09 02:03:03 -0600 edited question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding I am trying to extract region of interest in the following image with otsu

2018-12-09 02:02:44 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-12-09 02:02:44 -0600 edited question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding I am trying to extract region of interest in the following image with otsu

2018-12-09 02:00:49 -0600 asked a question Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding

Extracting foreground with otsu thresholding I am trying to extract region of interest in the following image with otsu

2018-11-09 08:26:39 -0600 marked best answer Accessing pixels in a Mat vector

I have reshape a 2d grayscale image to a 1d Mat.I want to access and change each pixel.Each pixel should be 0-255

Mat input_img = imread(argv[1], IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); 
Mat input_vector = input_img.reshape(0,1); 
std::cout <<<int>(0,1);

However it is not ouputing a sensible pixel value.My apologies if its a dumb question , i am new with opencv

2018-11-09 08:26:39 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-11-09 08:26:37 -0600 commented answer Accessing pixels in a Mat vector i feel stupid.Thanks mate

2018-11-09 08:17:23 -0600 commented question Accessing pixels in a Mat vector

No its not homework , it just need help in accessing the pixels in the Mat , not with RLE

2018-11-09 07:59:01 -0600 commented question Accessing pixels in a Mat vector

I want to convert the 2d representation ofan image to 1d to apply RLE(run length encoding) on it

2018-11-09 07:48:32 -0600 asked a question Accessing pixels in a Mat vector

Accessing pixels in a Mat vector I have reshape a 2d grayscale image to a 1d Mat.I want to access and change each pixel.