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2018-11-10 23:39:04 -0600 asked a question i have an .stl file and i want to generate 3d mesh for that. is it possible?

i have an .stl file and i want to generate 3d mesh for that. is it possible? for a medical image, i generated an stl fil

2018-11-02 03:54:46 -0600 commented question how to generate 3d meshes for an image in opencv?

is it possible to get the source code of your sir? it would be very helpful for me .

2018-11-02 01:26:04 -0600 asked a question how to generate 3d meshes for an image in opencv?

how to generate 3d meshes for an image in opencv? After importing an image, i want to generate 3d meshes for that image.