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2018-10-02 09:24:18 -0600 answered a question DroidCam with OpenCV

Disable laptop webcam from device manager and then restart. Then it works

2018-09-30 19:51:11 -0600 edited question DroidCam with OpenCV

DroidCam with OpenCV With my previous laptop (Windows7) I was connecting to my phone camera via DroidCam and using video

2018-09-30 19:41:57 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-09-30 19:41:57 -0600 edited question DroidCam with OpenCV

DroidCam with OpenCV With my previous laptop (Windows7) I was connecting to my phone camera via DroidCam and using video

2018-09-30 08:47:48 -0600 asked a question DroidCam with OpenCV

DroidCam with OpenCV With my previous laptop (Windows7) I was connecting to my phone using videoCapture in OpenCV with V