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2018-09-24 07:33:53 -0600 commented question For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes

Thanks for this reply. I've actually found it out in the last 15 minutes - that's what was responsible for my bug, as m

2018-09-24 07:12:25 -0600 commented question For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes

@berak I've written it at around 4am just to test if it produces the same crash. Yeah it's not going into anything other

2018-09-23 20:32:40 -0600 commented question For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes

Made a function myself - a basic, not optimal multiplication function: if (m1.cols != m2.rows) throw new

2018-09-23 19:29:13 -0600 commented question For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes

Also - Mat tempMat1 = Mat::zeros(2, 4, CV_32FC1); Mat tempMat2 = Mat::zeros(4, 2, CV_32FC1); this->Q =

2018-09-23 19:29:01 -0600 commented question For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes

Also - Mat tempMat1 = Mat::zeros(2, 4, CV_32FC1); Mat tempMat2 = Mat::zeros(4, 2, CV_32FC1); this-

2018-09-23 16:14:04 -0600 asked a question For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes

For some reason - matrix multiplication crashes I know this might have some trivial solution, and I might feel like an i