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2018-09-19 00:40:58 -0600 edited question Increasing segmentation depth using Watershed

Increasing segmentation depth using Watershed Hi all, I'm trying to segment images containing a lot of individual objec

2018-09-19 00:39:42 -0600 asked a question Increasing segmentation depth using Watershed

Increasing segmentation depth using Watershed Hi all, I'm trying to segment images containing a lot of individual objec

2018-09-17 04:02:26 -0600 commented question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

My positive images are 800x800, the ROIs are defined inside. I think you've answered my question though. The -w -h optio

2018-09-17 03:47:48 -0600 edited question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

Haar Cascade training not working as intended Hi all! I am looking to create a Haar classifier to find aerial pictures

2018-09-17 02:58:39 -0600 commented question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

My positive images are 800x800, the ROIs are defined inside

2018-09-17 02:50:54 -0600 commented question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

-w 800 -h 800 for uncropped, w-24 h-24 for cropped. This part I was confused about. In tutorials, I have seen this is th

2018-09-17 02:48:01 -0600 commented question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

Yes, though is it valid to provide the max width/height of the sample you're looking for?

2018-09-17 02:45:46 -0600 edited question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

Haar Cascade training not working as intended Hi all! I am looking to create a Haar classifier to find aerial pictures

2018-09-17 02:44:31 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-09-17 02:44:31 -0600 edited question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

Haar Cascade training not working as intended Hi all! I am looking to create a Haar classifier to find aerial pictures

2018-09-17 02:30:20 -0600 asked a question Haar Cascade training not working as intended

Haar Cascade training not working as intended Hi all! I am looking to create a Haar classifier to find aerial pictures