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2018-09-13 00:55:07 -0600 commented question OpenCV + Artificial Neural Network

I used C ++ to collect the data I needed, this part is ready. But I can not think of a way to put the data into a single

2018-09-12 16:36:17 -0600 asked a question OpenCV + Artificial Neural Network

OpenCV + Artificial Neural Network Translated text I am trying to detect patterns in video images, for this I am using

2018-09-12 16:29:28 -0600 commented answer Farneback optical flow in box/ROI

Thank you, it worked.

2018-08-13 22:25:38 -0600 asked a question Farneback optical flow in box/ROI

Farneback optical flow in box/ROI I'm detecting the optical flow by the Farneback method, but I need to delimit the area