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2019-09-07 11:51:44 -0600 answered a question Install OpenCV in Windows 10

I had to do some modifications to the .pro and .cpp files - see the comments in this discussion. Thanks, gino0717!

2019-09-07 04:55:39 -0600 commented question Install OpenCV in Windows 10

I had to do some other changes also and it works now. QT += core QT -= gui CONFIG += c++11 console CONFIG -=

2019-09-06 03:36:27 -0600 commented question Install OpenCV in Windows 10

In opencv.pri I have INCLUDEPATH += c:/opencv/install/include Debug: { LIBS += -lc:/opencv/install/x86/vc14/lib/opencv_

2019-09-04 10:18:02 -0600 asked a question Install OpenCV in Windows 10

Install OpenCV in Windows 10 I installed Qt 5, CMake 3, Visual Studio 2015 and OpenCV 3. I made a test program using Qt

2018-07-30 12:28:21 -0600 asked a question Install OpenCV with MacPorts, Homebrew or GitHub on Mac?

Install OpenCV with MacPorts, Homebrew or GitHub on Mac? What is the best option to install OpenCV on Mac (OS X 10.11 on