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2020-12-01 11:23:36 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-06-28 06:53:27 -0600 commented question Haar Cascade "Invalid background description file."

I am fairly sure that it is not a path problem (have tried absolute, relative, etc.) and am quite sure that the images a

2018-06-28 06:53:27 -0600 answered a question Haar Cascade "Invalid background description file."

Problems with this static void icvGetNextFromBackgroundData( CvBackgroundData* data,

2018-06-28 06:53:26 -0600 commented question Haar Cascade "Invalid background description file."

Once I can get opencv_createsamples working I will use more images. When I started having problems I cut it back to a fe

2018-06-23 14:54:18 -0600 asked a question How to identify the stem of a flower?

How to identify the stem of a flower? I have been trying to create a Haar cascade classifier. I am about ready to give

2018-06-23 11:35:30 -0600 asked a question Haar Cascade "Invalid background description file."

Haar Cascade "Invalid background description file." Am trying to create my own Haar Cascade. Keep running up against th