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2018-06-27 07:38:15 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-06-25 04:54:26 -0600 edited answer python silent output

hello yes it seems that the only way is recompile ffmpeg with -disable-logging There is a python solution to silent it:

2018-06-21 08:57:01 -0600 edited answer python silent output

hello yes it seems so expect recompile with -disable-logging There is a python solution to silent it: the idea is to red

2018-06-21 08:54:19 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-06-21 08:54:19 -0600 edited answer python silent output

hello yes it seems so expect recompile with -disable-logging There is a python solution to silent it: the idea is to red

2018-06-20 08:06:22 -0600 commented answer python silent output

hello yes it seems so expect recompile with -disable-logging there is a python solution to silent it but i need to wait

2018-06-19 10:44:32 -0600 asked a question python silent output

python silent output hello, I'm a beginner with opencv and maybe the solution is obvious but I devellope a little scri