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2018-06-28 19:31:39 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-06-07 19:30:11 -0600 commented answer Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

Thanks much

2018-06-07 19:30:00 -0600 commented answer Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

It really makes a lot of sense. Really shame not to notice that. I will try asap and update then.

2018-06-07 19:27:32 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

Thanks. I will try it.

2018-06-07 05:45:39 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-06-07 05:45:39 -0600 edited question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android? Hi guys, just wonder if anybody have hit si

2018-06-07 03:42:44 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code: cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(); LOG

2018-06-07 03:42:06 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(); LOG

2018-06-07 03:41:49 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(); LOGD

2018-06-07 03:41:29 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code {... cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(

2018-06-07 03:41:04 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code { cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(); LO

2018-06-07 03:40:47 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(); LOGD

2018-06-07 03:40:21 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

native code cv::setUseOptimized(true); cv::Mat& rgba_ = (cv::Mat)rgba; cv::Mat rgba_clone = rgba_.clone(); LOGD

2018-06-07 03:39:47 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

the code snippet as following: 1. java code try { Mat rgba = Imgcodecs.imread(_path);

2018-06-07 03:39:19 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

the code snippet as following: 1. java code Mat rgba = Imgcodecs.imread(_path); Mat rg

2018-06-07 03:38:45 -0600 commented question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

the code snippet as following: java code ... Mat rgba = Imgcodecs.imread(_path); Mat

2018-06-07 03:03:15 -0600 asked a question Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android?

Why huge performance gap between opencv c++ native and java code on Android? Hi guys, just wonder if anybody have hit si