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2018-06-16 00:49:00 -0600 edited question opencv, Geometric Transformations of Images

opencv, Geometric Transformations of Images hi i sezai, while working on OpenCV today. I get a mistake in one subject. "

2018-06-16 00:48:50 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-06-16 00:48:50 -0600 edited question opencv, Geometric Transformations of Images

opencv, Geometric Transformations of Images hi i sezai, while working on OpenCV today. I get a mistake in one subject. "

2018-06-16 00:48:35 -0600 asked a question opencv, Geometric Transformations of Images

opencv, Geometric Transformations of Images hi i sezai, while working on OpenCV today. I get a mistake in one subject. "

2018-06-10 10:56:59 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-06-07 20:35:02 -0600 asked a question opencv, Python hough transform labeling

opencv, Python hough transform labeling Hi, I have detected circular areas using hough transform. I want to print labels

2018-06-05 13:19:49 -0600 asked a question opencv hough trans.

opencv hough trans. Hi, I'm sezai. hough Trans using the opencv library in Python. I'm driving. My problem is that there