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2018-05-08 07:50:44 -0600 marked best answer [Beginner] Recognizing a logo

I am building a 'follow bot' and wanted to use a logo as the target for the bot to follow. Essentially the logo will be on a button that I will stick on my back. The bot runs a Raspberry Pi with OpenCV2 and tensorflow on it and everything is written in Python so far. At this point everything else works but I'm not sure what approach I should use when training the logo for OpenCV.

The logo has bitmap and vector options available to me but not sure that really matters.

What training method should I use? Any suggestions for approach or sample code for navigation based on object detection?


Is training a logo the same as training anything else for object recognition and I should jsut use the basics?


2018-05-07 20:19:11 -0600 asked a question [Beginner] Recognizing a logo

[Beginner] Recognizing a logo I am building a 'follow bot' and wanted to use a logo as the target for the bot to follow.