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2019-01-09 10:22:51 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2019-01-09 04:42:35 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-01-09 04:42:35 -0600 edited answer LSH matching very slow

I had the same issue with LSH descriptor matching. I have played around quite a bit with the parameters. I found that th

2019-01-09 04:40:54 -0600 answered a question LSH matching very slow

I had the same issue with LSH descriptor matching. I have played around quite a bit with the parameters. I found that th

2018-08-13 08:50:23 -0600 answered a question How to filter FREAK+BruteForceMatcher result?

To answer this question more completely, it is worth mentionning that FREAK is a local binary descriptor, that is to say

2018-06-08 04:03:57 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-04-27 04:24:29 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2018-04-27 04:14:07 -0600 commented answer Earth Mover's Distance EMD() results in memory access error

I have the same issue: with 16k rows I get a write access exception but if I reduce the size, just to confirm this is th

2018-04-27 04:13:28 -0600 commented answer Earth Mover's Distance EMD() results in memory access error

I have the same issue: with 16k rows I get a write access exception but if I reduce the size, just to confirm this is th

2018-04-27 03:54:28 -0600 answered a question EMD vs EMDL1: who is right?

Hi, These two functions do not compute the same thing : cv::EMD(<params>) takes the point's coordinates into acco