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2018-04-13 13:30:42 -0600 commented answer Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Hi, me again, I figured out what my problem was. It's the format I pass in the constructor. I use a Qt::QImage constant

2018-04-11 11:15:32 -0600 commented answer Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Will do, thanks.

2018-04-11 11:09:35 -0600 commented answer Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Thank you for your answer. I changed it the way you told but I still run in the same exception. What I don't understand

2018-04-11 10:48:48 -0600 edited question Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect Hi there, I've got a function which takes two Mat as parameters, const imgIn an

2018-04-11 10:42:31 -0600 edited question Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect Hi there, I've got a function which takes two Mat as parameters, const imgIn an

2018-04-11 10:42:05 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-04-11 10:42:05 -0600 edited question Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect Hi there, I've got a function which takes two Mat as parameters, const imgIn an

2018-04-11 10:39:39 -0600 asked a question Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect

Problem using SimpleBlobDetector::detect Hi there, I've got a function which takes two Mat as parameters, const imgIn an