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2018-04-19 00:00:17 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-04-11 10:34:57 -0600 asked a question I can not build OpenCV3.4.1 on FreeBSD11.1.

I can not build OpenCV3.4.1 on FreeBSD11.1. An error occurred when trying to build OpenCV 3.4.1 with the make command. H

2018-04-08 02:51:18 -0600 commented question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

As I said, the build with cmake succeeded. However, it will fail with the next make. # make Scanning dependencies of ta

2018-04-08 02:50:07 -0600 commented question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

As I said, the build with cmake succeeded. However, it will fail with the next make. # make Scanning dependencies of ta

2018-04-08 02:49:54 -0600 commented question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

As I said, the build with cmake succeeded. However, it will fail with the next make. make Scanning dependencies of tar

2018-04-08 02:46:49 -0600 commented question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

As I said, the build with cmake succeeded. However, it will fail with the next make. Scanning dependencies of targe

2018-04-08 02:46:14 -0600 commented question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

As I said, the build with cmake succeeded. However, it will fail with the next make. Scanning dependencies of target ge

2018-04-05 08:46:16 -0600 commented question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

There is a program using opencv3.1 and makes a version the same to follow it. Cmake version is 3.10.2.

2018-04-05 06:38:49 -0600 asked a question I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1.

I can not build OpenCV3.1.0 with FreeBSD11.1. unzip git clone