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2018-03-08 16:29:26 -0600 commented question Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat

Hi, apologies for the late reply, I just arrived at work. Thanks for your continued attention to this issue. I have been

2018-03-07 20:42:06 -0600 commented question Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat

Is there another way to extract the hue values? For the app I'm working on, I'm required to to extract the hue from each

2018-03-07 20:33:45 -0600 commented question Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat

Have edited the question to include the method where the error is occurring.

2018-03-07 20:32:37 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-03-07 20:32:37 -0600 edited question Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat

Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat I have been working with the OpenCV library (version 3.30) with Android

2018-03-07 18:56:02 -0600 asked a question Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat

Unknown crash when getting a double[] from a Mat I have been working with the OpenCV library (version 3.30) with Android