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2017-10-16 08:56:57 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-10-16 08:45:30 -0600 commented question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

Exactly, it works flawlessly in 3.0.

2017-10-16 08:34:33 -0600 commented question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

I do have those AVI files, as I was using them in OpenCV3.0

2017-10-16 08:34:05 -0600 commented question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

I'm running it with an AVI file, just as I did in OpenCV3.0. Here's the command: opencv_perf_video.exe --perf_min_sampl

2017-10-16 08:26:24 -0600 commented question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

I'm running it with an AVI file, just as I did in OpenCV3.0. Here's the command: opencv_perf_video.exe --perf_min_sampl

2017-10-16 08:21:24 -0600 commented question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

I'm running it with an AVI file, just as I did in OpenCV3.0. Here's the command: opencv_perf_video.exe --perf_min_sampl

2017-10-16 08:21:13 -0600 commented question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

I'm running it with an AVI file, just as I did in OpenCV3.0. Here's the command: opencv_perf_video.exe --perf_min_sa

2017-10-16 08:16:11 -0600 asked a question Problem with MOG2 OCL test

Problem with MOG2 OCL test Hi, I've downloaded and compiled OpenCV 3.3 source from github. I'm trying to run the MOG2 Op