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2017-10-04 07:09:56 -0600 commented answer Java/Android access 4-Dim Mat planes

that works perfect! Thank you!

2017-10-04 07:09:28 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2017-10-04 07:09:27 -0600 marked best answer Java/Android access 4-Dim Mat planes

I am building an Android App with uses the DNN module.

The output of the forward pass is a Mat with dims() = 4.

Actually its the output of semantic segmentation (ENet Example) with 1x8x45x80. = 28800 which is also correct.

The problem is that i cannot access the data of this mat with get(0,0,floatbuffer), as cols=-1 and rows=-1 which is normal for dim>2.

Is there any other way? In the end i would like to have 8 Mats (or 8 simple float-arrays) for each plane.

Best Regards

2017-10-04 07:09:27 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-10-04 03:54:19 -0600 commented question Java/Android access 4-Dim Mat planes

System.out.println(oBlob); Mat result = network.forward(oBlob); assertNotNull("Net returned no result!", result

2017-10-04 03:53:28 -0600 commented question Java/Android access 4-Dim Mat planes

System.out.println(oBlob); Mat result = network.forward(oBlob); assertNotNull("Net returned no result!", result

2017-10-04 03:52:41 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-10-04 03:45:47 -0600 asked a question Java/Android access 4-Dim Mat planes

Java/Android access 4-Dim Mat planes I am building an Android App with uses the DNN module. The output of the forward p