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2017-10-05 08:22:51 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-09-28 04:36:20 -0600 commented question DNN from Caffe deconvolution layer assert fails

Hi dkurt, silly mistake on my part last night, I was loading in my original model with the cut down network that I poste

2017-09-27 21:54:20 -0600 commented question DNN from Caffe deconvolution layer assert fails

I've just tried it out but it's still hitting an assert. This time ln 810 in convolution_layer.cpp, CV_Assert(blobs[0].s

2017-09-27 21:54:01 -0600 commented question DNN from Caffe deconvolution layer assert fails

I've just tried it out but it's still hitting an assert. This time ln 810 in convolution_layer.cpp, CV_Assert(blobs[0].s

2017-09-27 08:36:06 -0600 commented question DNN from Caffe deconvolution layer assert fails

Hi dkurt, thanks for the quick reply. I've added a simple network to the original post which reproduces the issue that I

2017-09-26 18:30:44 -0600 asked a question DNN from Caffe deconvolution layer assert fails

DNN from Caffe deconvolution layer assert fails Hi, I have a model which works fine in Caffe, but in OpenCV 3.3.0 it tr