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2020-02-15 16:45:19 -0600 asked a question opencv low fps on raspberry pi 4

opencv low fps on raspberry pi 4 Hello I have a raspberry pi 4 and a PiCamera and I'm trying to get video stream with p

2020-01-16 19:44:44 -0600 commented question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

ok, I think "solvePnP ()" is the way to go.

2020-01-16 09:46:32 -0600 commented question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

ok, if I print the results of "tvec" I get this output: print(tvec) = [[[-20.96593757 -9.13860749 92.81840327]]] Wha

2020-01-15 18:57:20 -0600 commented question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

Hello, thanks for your attention. I added some more images and the code I'm using. Could you help me find angle "a" base

2020-01-15 18:53:09 -0600 edited question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera. Hello I can currently identify

2020-01-14 08:49:41 -0600 edited question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera. Hello I can currently identify

2020-01-14 08:25:42 -0600 edited question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera. Hello I can currently identify

2020-01-14 08:20:47 -0600 commented question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

I think I need to find the angle between the normal vector (blue axis) and the center of the camera. Then I could calcul

2020-01-14 08:12:36 -0600 commented question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

I think I need to find the angle between the normal vector (blue axis) and the center of the camera. Then I could calcul

2020-01-14 08:08:50 -0600 commented question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

I think I need to find the angle between the normal vector (blue axis) and the center of the camera. Then I could calcul

2020-01-14 08:02:36 -0600 edited question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera. Hello I can currently identify

2020-01-14 06:43:55 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-01-14 06:43:55 -0600 edited question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

calculate distance from center of marker Aruco Hello I can currently identify an aruco marker with my webcam. I would l

2020-01-14 06:31:04 -0600 asked a question calculate distance between the center of the Aruco marker and the center of the camera.

calculate distance from center of marker Aruco Hello I can currently identify an aruco marker with my webcam. I would l

2017-10-02 18:23:23 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-10-02 12:44:09 -0600 answered a question Problem background subtraction JAVA

hi thanks

2017-09-30 11:10:17 -0600 asked a question Problem background subtraction JAVA

Problem background subtraction JAVA Hi my background subtraction is not generating results... @Override public void

2017-09-28 19:43:50 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2017-09-28 19:34:21 -0600 marked best answer Count LED blink

Hi !

I want to count how many times the led blinked. it is positioned in the upper right corner of the webcam.

any suggestion?

Image attached.

image description

2017-09-28 19:34:21 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-09-27 07:50:20 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-09-26 19:41:26 -0600 answered a question how to initialize vector contourns in Java

SOrry import java.util.List; List<matofpoint> contours = new ArrayList<matofpoint>();

2017-09-26 19:36:17 -0600 asked a question Count LED blink

Count LED blink Hi ! I want to count how many times the led blinked. it is positioned in the upper right corner of the

2017-09-24 16:50:21 -0600 asked a question how to initialize vector contourns in Java

how to initialize vector contourns in Java Hi I'm trying to declare the contours vector in java in this way: List<

2017-09-22 13:54:14 -0600 asked a question Moments Java openCV 3.3.0 --help me

Moments Java openCV 3.3.0 --help me How use moments with java and openCV3.3.0 I already tried this: ArrayList<matof