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2018-03-06 22:16:04 -0600 commented question Poor LBPHfacerecognizer results in Python OpenCV 3.3.0

I don't see any reason why it shouldn't handle unknown persons well, nor is that indicated anywhere in any official Open

2017-09-20 23:58:24 -0600 commented answer face module missing from python cv2 version 3.3.0

OpenCV in homebrew is built with contrib modules by default, according to this. However, I just tried reinstalling open

2017-09-20 23:56:55 -0600 commented answer face module missing from python cv2 version 3.3.0

OpenCV in homebrew is built with contrib modules by default, according to this. However, I just tried reinstalling open

2017-09-20 20:41:41 -0600 asked a question face module missing from python cv2 version 3.3.0

face module missing from python cv2 version 3.3.0 I have cv2 version 3.3.0 installed, as verified by printing cv2.__ ver