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2016-03-02 00:38:09 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-02-27 04:57:48 -0600 commented question Suggest the best strategy to find out type of document.

@Balaji R - I will share the code I have wrote soon. But what do mean by "Segmentation" ?

2016-02-26 05:38:00 -0600 asked a question Suggest the best strategy to find out type of document.

Hello everyone, We have almost 20 different types of documents(like driving license, social security card, company I-card). Now I want to create a application which can detect the type of document from its image.

Earlier, I tried Template Matching but its results were not promising. In the current sample image, there are 3 kind of documents(each have 3 samples).

Will the 'Haar-cascade' useful in this case ? Any help or suggestions are appreciated. image description