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2016-02-25 06:57:35 -0600 commented answer Stereo Calibration - what is optimised?


thanks for your answer. I agree, so lets discard option (b). However, if I look through the code I see:

    // we optimize for the inter-camera R(3),t(3), then, optionally,
// for intrinisic parameters of each camera ((fx,fy,cx,cy,k1,k2,p1,p2) ~ 8 parameters).
nparams = 6*(nimages+1) + (recomputeIntrinsics ? NINTRINSIC*2 : 0);

so, I think that we have option:

(c) Use cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2 to find extrinsic parameters for each camera. This gives an implied (R,t) between the left and right camera. Take the median of the implied (R,t) transformations between the cameras as a starting estimate. Optimise all extrinsic parameter. So for 10 images, thats 66 parameters, (ignoring intrinsic for now).

Which still sounds like a lot of parameters.



2016-02-25 01:47:10 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-02-24 23:56:55 -0600 asked a question Stereo Calibration - what is optimised?

In the stereo camera calibration code, I'm a bit confused as to what parameters are optimised. If we ignore intrinsic parameters for now, is it:

(a) The left (or equivalently right) extrinsic (chessboard to camera) matrices and 6 parameters for the left-to-right transformation? If so, what are we taking the median of?

(b) The left and right extrinsic matrices, and then we take the median of the implied left-to-right transformation?

Any help would be much appreciated.

