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2016-02-17 20:49:29 -0600 answered a question Has anyone had problems opening 2 USB camera streams at the same time if they are both the same brand and model?

This appears to be an issue seen by others. Two cameras on one hub max out the bus; even USB3.0. The simple fix is to make sure that each camera is on it's own USB bus. Confirm this in the device manager; sort by connection.

Thanks FooBar for the hint on what it could be. Not sure why 2 different brand cameras work on the same bus??? Oh well.

2016-02-16 17:22:59 -0600 commented question Has anyone had problems opening 2 USB camera streams at the same time if they are both the same brand and model?

Is there a way to pick the camera by a means other than some integer value that windows assigned?

2016-02-15 20:23:08 -0600 commented question Has anyone had problems opening 2 USB camera streams at the same time if they are both the same brand and model?

They are connected to the same external hub, in fact all three are. No error messages.

VideoCapture rightEye;;

I iterate through 0-9 in a for loop.

2016-02-15 00:54:20 -0600 asked a question Has anyone had problems opening 2 USB camera streams at the same time if they are both the same brand and model?

I am trying to play around with a stereo camera rig I built. Both cameras are exactly the same, 2.0MP ELP brand. It uses the USB Video Class (UVC) 1.1 driver. Both cameras are tested and working. I can open them individually in a simple opencv c++ program. The stereo program i wrote works with one ELP camera and my Logitech webcam. (and that's with all three USB cameras connected to the pc.)