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2013-06-30 18:37:27 -0600 commented answer Eliminate scaling from perspective transform

Thanks for the response! Do you happen to know how to split the transformation matrix into scaling and translation matrices? I was thinking of applying the transposed scaling matrix to my transformed quadrangle, in order to scale it back to its original size.

2013-06-30 09:40:03 -0600 asked a question Eliminate scaling from perspective transform

I would like to project an image to a textured wall. Using various techniques I was able to detect the wall plane, and now I just want to draw the image on that plane.

The plane itself is a quadrangle, and I was able to get a perspective transform matrix between the image and the wall plane, and use that transform to perform the projection. My only problem is that the image is scaled up to occupy the entire quadrangle of the wall plane. I would only like it to follow its perspective, without the changes in scale. Can I somehow eliminate the scaling from the transformation matrix, or is there any other method that would help?

Thank you!

2013-06-29 14:49:14 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-06-11 07:45:28 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-06-11 07:42:47 -0600 asked a question Opencv 2.4.5 OpenCvCameraView full screen

As I understood from this bug report, setting OpenCvCameraView to match_parent should make it fullscreen, yet I can only get a maximum of 960x720 on my Galaxy Nexus (please note that this also happens when I try to set 1280x720 in the Tutorial3 example).

Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behavior?