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2017-08-17 08:54:52 -0600 commented question Are Microsoft CNTK models going to be supported in the DNN module anytime soon?

Yes, I want to achieve the fastest training available for LSTM, and CNTK appears to be the best at it. However, I find their model evaluator less convenient (Windows and Linux only, no OpenCL) and I would like to leverage the capabilities of the OpenCV dnn module.

I am sure that many other OpenCV + DNN users share the same needs as me: fastest possible training + portable and efficient model evaluation.

2017-08-17 05:40:57 -0600 commented question Are Microsoft CNTK models going to be supported in the DNN module anytime soon?

I meant the framework that performs better for each specific problem. Apparently, both have similar accuracy, but TensorFlow performs slightly better for conv nets, and CNTK is a lot faster when using LSTM.

2017-08-17 04:38:52 -0600 commented question Are Microsoft CNTK models going to be supported in the DNN module anytime soon?

Thanks for your answer. I have already tried CNTK and I plan to use it in my current project. CNTK is supported by Microsoft and it seems that they are putting a lot of effort on it.

They already provide a separate DLL for model evaluation, but it would be great to evaluate the models using OpenCV. In this way I could train my models using both TensorFlow and CNTK and pick the one that performs better for each specific case.

If you want to take a look at some popular models trained with CNTK you can take a look at the following URL

2017-08-15 02:57:59 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-08-13 11:59:52 -0600 asked a question Are Microsoft CNTK models going to be supported in the DNN module anytime soon?

Are there plans to support Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) models in the OpenCV DNN module?