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2016-03-03 08:03:13 -0600 asked a question How to convert a row of a descriptor to a binary string

hello, In openCV I use binary descriptors like ORB and A-KAZE. Now I want to test and perform some matching algorithms, that aren't part of opencv. For this, I want to create a BitString of each row of the descriptor. But there I have some issueas. How are the bits saved in the the mat object?

thank you

2016-02-26 04:41:03 -0600 commented question How to get a binary representation of a binary descriptor

ah...of course...but no, I want not use intern functions of opencv for this. I want only extract the string representation

2016-02-26 04:28:54 -0600 commented question How to get a binary representation of a binary descriptor

no I doesn't normalize the descriptor. Is this important? And after the normaliztion, I can easy extract each row and concatendate the byte to a integer?

2016-02-26 03:19:30 -0600 asked a question How to get a binary representation of a binary descriptor

Hello, I'm working with binary descriptors like ORB and AKAZE in opencv and want to store each descriptor (a col of the descriptor mat) as binary string. To perform the query, I want to save these representation as a array of integers (int = 32 bits and I have a 32 bit machine), so I can easy compare binary string with hamming distance.

My problem is to extract the bit representation from the mat because the at has byte representation. Is there something that I must conside if want to extract the bits?

thank you! :)

2016-02-15 07:47:46 -0600 commented question looking for a database to store descriptors of image features

okay thank you. Any other ideas or solutions? I also can save my descriptors as a binary string

2016-02-15 01:00:42 -0600 commented question looking for a database to store descriptors of image features

Hi, I thought that I can use geoNearfor radius serch (

2016-02-12 07:57:30 -0600 asked a question looking for a database to store descriptors of image features

Hello, I'm looking for a database to store my extracted (surf, sift, orb,...) features.

My idea is to use MongoDB as feature store and add each row of image descriptor as document to MongoDB.

MongoDB also includes knn and radius serch algorithms, but I can't estimate how it performs on image features

(curretly I have descriptors with 61 dimensions and more than 10.000.000 features).

Has someone ideas or experiance with mongodb or another socument store?

thank you and best regards

2016-02-11 02:00:01 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-02-09 07:06:57 -0600 commented question How to save the flann index in opencv for java

okay sorry, yes the DescriptorMatcher has read and write methods but I think it only used to load the properties for the matcher (algorithm,...)

2016-02-09 04:12:19 -0600 commented question How to save the flann index in opencv for java

Can I use JavaCV to save a trained index?

2016-02-09 04:04:43 -0600 commented question How to save the flann index in opencv for java

yes, i mean the DescriptorMatcher. Is there a work around?

2016-02-09 03:35:17 -0600 asked a question How to save the flann index in opencv for java


Can someone help me to save a trained flann index?

In time I serialize all descriptors to json and reoad all descriptors after the program is started.

For a lot of descriptors this takes a long time.

Is there another method to save the flann index with java?

2016-02-03 08:24:40 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-02-03 08:21:14 -0600 commented answer cluster similar keypoints in a set of near similar images

yes, that's theI the aproach I'am going. At the moment I compare all images with each other. But it is very difficut to save the intersection from all good matches of all images. Is there a datastructure that can help me to solve this problem?

2016-02-02 05:30:07 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2016-02-02 02:41:14 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2016-02-02 02:18:46 -0600 commented answer cluster similar keypoints in a set of near similar images

thanks!, that's a beginning for images, that shooted by a tripod. Any ideas how to handle keypoints that are near similar but shooted from a differet position?

2016-02-02 02:15:31 -0600 commented question cluster similar keypoints in a set of near similar images

I think no, bechause I must set up the count of clusters

2016-02-01 08:36:59 -0600 asked a question cluster similar keypoints in a set of near similar images

Hello, in a project I'm using SURF to extract keypoints from a set of near similar images. The images are near similar, so they have a lot of similar keypoints and a few keypoints that are different. My goal is to find groups of keypoints that matched by all images

is there an idea how to solve this? I can't use kmeans, because i doesn't know something about the k


My current approach is using a bruteforce-matcherto find the good matches of each image. I compare all images with each other. But it is very difficut to save the intersection from all good matches of all images. Is there a datastructure that can help me to solve this problem?