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2016-02-04 22:35:33 -0600 commented question To contribute, want to know how the VideoCapture works.

oh ... so straightforward.. thank you! -_-;

2016-02-04 04:13:00 -0600 asked a question To contribute, want to know how the VideoCapture works.

Dear sir or madam.

I'm wondering how the "videocapture" function works

I would like to contribute about these kind of video input output things ( i don't know yet whether they are optimized or not).

so i have tried to check their implementation code but,

actually this is my first time, so i can't recognize what is the code for VideoCapture function.

of course, i m checking video input output module (not video module)

and also src and include files

in include files, definitely, all of them are just interfaces.

and among many source files,

cap.cpp seems like implementation file but i think it also needs other files....

For example, they use some functions that are not implemented in themselves.

so i checked what they include,

precomp.hpp cap_intelperc.hpp cap_dshow.hpp

but these are not also the answer

2016-02-03 01:50:06 -0600 commented question how does the VideoCapture work

I m trying to make new video capture function that is not using OpenCV.

Because, I m trying to port the thesis' matlab code to C code which is related to new way of video encoding.

and i don't want to use OpenCV. only want to use my own function with C library

this is why i would like to see how it looks like ... .and actually this is my the first reverse engineering ..

so that is the reason why i m not good at this

2016-02-01 01:59:46 -0600 asked a question how does the VideoCapture work

I m wondering how VideoCapture works.

so i m checking the Videoio file but

i can find the only something that look like interfaces, there is no real implementation.

i guess the important thing is typedef cvcapture but i really cant find where it is defined..

is anyone here who can help me ?