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2016-02-03 04:05:53 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

sorry for the late reply , today i rebuild my clapack with cmake and visual studio 2015 my_build passed all the test , install passed 33 test and 1 failed ,but my RUN_TESTS passed only 20% test 75 tests were failed from 94 tests .i think now the problem is with my clapack

2016-02-01 07:33:55 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

same error .no change

2016-02-01 06:56:16 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

@LBerger the libraries are already in the project path the only thing left is extern "c".i will recompile the clapack project and get back to you . @berak i had already tried this in my own code and was getting the same error .thanks @tuannhtn .

2016-02-01 03:08:42 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

@berak thank you for looking at the code but it is not a solution .your comment only teaches that whenever there is a problem look for an easy way out . beside this i don't have any alternative option

2016-01-31 21:01:05 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

It is available on this site .a geometric particle filter for template based visual tracking

2016-01-31 13:23:36 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

yes i have added blasd.lib lapackd.lib and libf2cd.lib in linker, additional library directories but still getting the same error

2016-01-31 12:44:49 -0600 commented question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

I know it is a clapack function . but didn't find answer any where so i asked here .just in case some one might have run into the similar problem and have found a solution

2016-01-31 11:40:37 -0600 asked a question Build a tracker with open cv,clapack and visual studio 2015

Hi I am trying to run the code of a visual object tracker that is written in c/c++ and is advised to configure using opencv 2.1 and lapack .however I am trying to run the code using visual studio 2015 ,open cv 3.0 or 3.1 inside visual studio with clapack. Below are the errors i am getting.

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _dpotrf_ referenced in function _main tracker

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _dgeqrf_ referenced in function _main tracker

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _dorgqr_ referenced in function _main tracker

Now i think it is due to name mangling as the _ underscore before the function is shown ,but the thing is clapack.h file has the function declared using extern c . i have used all the necessary libraries and include folder to best of my knowledge.Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you