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2020-06-08 03:24:38 -0600 commented answer CUDA accelerated version of camera_calibration.cpp?

OK, I understand. Thanks for your confirmation, anyway!

2020-06-08 03:23:02 -0600 marked best answer CUDA accelerated version of camera_calibration.cpp?

I'm doing camera calibration based on the code: opencv/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.cpp

I'm wondering if there is any other sample code similar to it but uses CUDA to accelerate the calibration process?

2020-06-08 03:23:02 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2020-06-08 01:28:24 -0600 asked a question CUDA accelerated version of camera_calibration.cpp?

CUDA accelerated version of camera_calibration.cpp? I'm doing camera calibration based on the code: opencv/samples/cpp/t

2019-09-03 20:23:21 -0600 edited question Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module

Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module Hi! On my system: Dragonboard 410c + Linaro Linux 19.01 + 96Board

2019-09-03 20:13:31 -0600 edited question Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module

Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module Hi! On my system: Dragonboard 410c + Linaro Linux 19.01 + 96Board

2019-09-03 20:01:27 -0600 edited question Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module

Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module Hi! On my system: Dragonboard 410c + Linaro Linux 19.01 + 96Board

2019-09-03 20:00:54 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-09-03 20:00:54 -0600 edited question Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module

Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module Hi! On my system: Dragonboard 410c + Linaro Linux 19.01 + 96Board

2019-09-03 20:00:09 -0600 asked a question Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module

Failed to get second frame from a CSI camera module Hi! On my system: Dragonboard 410c + Linaro Linux 19.01 + 96Board

2016-01-25 03:26:09 -0600 answered a question How to get the right view disparity map with OpenCV 3.0

These days I started to use OpenCV 3.1 with opencv_contrib and I encountered exactly the same problem as yours. Then I tried the following stereo pair instead: opencv_contrib-master/modules/ximgproc/tutorials/images/ambush_5_left.jpg & ambush_5_right.jpg. The result looks the same as what described in

All I can guess is maybe aloeL.jpg & aloeR.jpg are not "rectified" images, i.e., they are not ready for block matching, therefore the matching result is bad.