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2013-06-25 03:34:39 -0600 answered a question Removing the floor in an image .

I found the answer . Previously, My approach was not correct, i was first segmenting the image from background then using the open nite for detecting ground plane and removing from the segmented image. It won't work well because the image for which ground was detected is now converted to segmented image. Thus the correct way to firstly detect ground plane using openni of the depth image then remove it. Now , i got the ground separated image.

2013-06-25 03:16:10 -0600 commented answer Blob detection in Opencv 2.0

Thanks for help.. My previous code worked . I had some problem with Library and it is sorted out.

2013-06-21 04:35:59 -0600 commented answer Blob detection in Opencv 2.0

Thanks for reply...but still its not working...canu suggest some other library for this function..CBlobResult.

2013-06-20 06:01:15 -0600 commented answer Blob detection in Opencv 2.0

thanks for reply..can u explain a bit more

2013-06-20 04:40:31 -0600 asked a question Blob detection in Opencv 2.0

i am facing problem in blob detection in new open cv.. the code breaks at this line

blobs = CBlobResult( originalThr, NULL, 255 );

and displays..."""Unhandled exception at 0x76ae4b32 in blob_detection.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: int at memory location 0x0111fc38..""

please suggest some solutions...

2013-05-30 03:47:48 -0600 commented question Removing the floor in an image .

I have already removed the background but still ground floor portions are present in the image. So an algorithms to remove ground floor would be appreciated.

2013-05-30 03:42:46 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-05-29 07:52:16 -0600 asked a question Removing the floor in an image .

I I am trying to remove the floor portions present in an image. I am doing programming in C++ using opencv and openni . I had gort he x,y,z coordinates and normal using openni . Can you suggest how to remove the floor portions? background portion is removed . now some portions of ground are still present in the image .I want to remove that.