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2017-08-04 07:37:52 -0600 commented question cv::findContours Orientation

Hello LBerger,

Thank you! Any particular line you can point out, please?

Best, Eric

2017-08-04 07:26:40 -0600 commented question cv::findContours Orientation

Hello LBerger,

Thanks for the quick response. Please see below.

'I am using OpenCV's cv::findContours function to extract contours in a binary image, in particular, I'm extracting a hierarchy of contours (using the CV_RETR_CCOMP flag). At some point in my further processing of those contours I need to rely on a consistent vertex orientation of these contours (i.e. counter-clockwise vs. clockwise).

Of course I can just determine that orientation myself using the sign of the contour's area (as computed by cv::contourArea(..., true)), but I wonder if that is even necessary (besides that, it won't even work for contours with an area of 0, i.e. thin lines in the source image) or if cv::findContours already guarantees a consistent orientation for the generated contours.'

2017-08-03 16:24:50 -0600 asked a question cv::findContours Orientation


Are the contours returned by cv::findContours guaranteed to always have a consistent orientation? Is there any proof or documentation you can point to? Using version 2.4.5.

Thanks in advance!