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2018-08-19 23:51:52 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-08-15 04:29:14 -0600 commented answer how to make make bounding box around object?

do you have any installation link of opencv 3.1.0?

2017-08-14 00:51:52 -0600 commented question how to make make bounding box around object?

it is not working in opencv 2.4.7

2017-08-14 00:51:29 -0600 commented answer how to make make bounding box around object?

will it work on opencv 3.0.0?

2017-08-05 02:36:37 -0600 asked a question how to make make bounding box around object?

I am working on background subtraction using this function cv2.absdiff(img1, img2). I want to make bounding box around the objects obtained in result but i am unable to find any function. my opencv version is 2.4.9. can any one help me to make bounding box around objects?

2017-08-02 02:04:23 -0600 asked a question why the uninstalling of opencv is abort by terminal?

I am uninstalling OpenCV-2.4.9 from ubuntu and it is giving me abort after asking You are about to do something potentially harmful. To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'. how can i resolve this?

2017-08-02 00:51:54 -0600 commented question how to update opencv 2.4.9 to version 3.0.0

I didn't install it by myself thats why i have no idea about it. can you give me any suggestion about un installation?

2017-08-02 00:38:19 -0600 asked a question how to update opencv 2.4.9 to version 3.0.0

I am new user of Linux and OpenCV both. I have not much idea about how the directories are created in Linux and how to install the OpenCV. Currently i am using the OpenCV 2.4.9 version. Should i uninstalll it and install the new version or just upgrade it. can anyone please help me to sort out my issue? and help me how to do it.