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2016-01-31 05:13:41 -0600 asked a question Generate Maps from diffuseMap with openCV


I'm looking for functions in openCV which allows me to generate displacement Maps, specular Maps, and normal Maps from a diffuse Map. I looked in the Documentation but didn't find anything, so it would be great if somebody could tell me if there are any functions to do that, and if yes, where to find them.

2016-01-17 09:08:31 -0600 commented question Use Opencv with Codeblocks and Mingw

Ok, thank you

2016-01-17 09:04:33 -0600 asked a question Use Opencv with Codeblocks and Mingw


I would like to use OpenCV with Codeblocks, so I watched a tutorial about cnfiguring Codeblocks for OpenCV. In this tutorial the libs were imported to Codeblocks from a folder, called Mingw (in OpenCV\build\x64\lib). However in my lib directory, there are only libs for visual studio version 12 and 14. (I just downloaded the prebuild version of openCV 3.0). Does somebody know where I could get the libs for Mingw too?