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2013-05-07 10:34:40 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-05-07 10:05:26 -0600 commented answer gravity center for people tracking

Thank you very much for your help Mr Mathieu Bamachon :

The program which i used to trace the gravity center as a small circle is :

2013-05-07 09:31:20 -0600 asked a question gravity center for people tracking

I'm beginner at using opencv with devc++, My works consists of tracking à person in a video sequence by firstly extract the foreground using the frame difference technique, after that i try to calculate the gravity center and tracing the point in this center for esche frame which gives the trajectory of the people, my cam is static. in this level i have the problem of tracing the gravity center. please help me, thank you very much