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2017-07-28 05:57:26 -0600 commented answer A question of reading yaml file

Thanks for your code~

2017-07-28 05:57:14 -0600 commented answer A question of reading yaml file

Thanks, it helps me a lot

2017-07-26 10:59:48 -0600 asked a question A question of reading yaml file

When I write my yaml file, it's created like this:

name: object1
Date of storage: "Wed Jul 26 16:45:46 2017\n"
object1: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 540
   cols: 960
   dt: "3u"
   data: // blabla, a matrix here
name: object2
Date of storage: "Wed Jul 26 16:45:46 2017\n"
object1: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 540
   cols: 960
   dt: "3u"
   data: // blabla, a matrix here

The problem is how can I get all the Mats of the objects, here when I use operator like fs["name"], I can only get the first object's data. Anyone Help? Thanks!