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2014-07-03 20:03:47 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2013-04-12 07:56:10 -0600 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2012-12-15 12:08:30 -0600 received badge  Good Question (source)
2012-11-09 10:19:22 -0600 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2012-08-09 01:49:50 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2012-08-07 18:16:57 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2012-08-07 18:13:01 -0600 asked a question HAAR training fails at different stages

I run opencv_traincascade for say 20 stages. It fails at stage 15 saying:

Required leaf false alarm rate achieved. Branch training terminated.

Than I run opencv_traincascade for 15 stages, this time it fails at stage 13. Then I run for 13 stages, this time it fails at stage 12 etc..

How can this happen? Looking at output, values are same at each run, but fails at different stages.

2012-08-04 15:56:24 -0600 commented answer opencv for desktop java

Please explain me, because I don't see how OpenCV manager makes applications fast and cross platform. The alternative is embedding OpenCV natives into the app, that way the app still uses same OpenCV libraries and hence performs the same. I agree size matters here, embedding almost 20M to each app is not acceptable, here comes splitting into the scene. Of course there are other issues, like updating all the apps vs updatind a single manager, but again for a regular user updating his app instead of updating a 'god knows what' manager makes more sense. Just my two cents.. Seeing OpenCV manager pre-installed by vendors should be great of course. But it won't happen tomorrow, right? Even then there will be non-confirming vendors, and we end up in the same place and should handle that too.

2012-08-03 17:28:26 -0600 commented answer opencv for desktop java

I can't vote on my own question. I agree with Samuel on some points. Android port should be split into parts and developers should be able to embed only the necessary parts into their applications. I've found that OpenCV manager idea frustrating for a regular Android user.

2012-08-03 13:07:57 -0600 asked a question opencv for desktop java

Are there any plans to provide a wrapper for desktop Java? Java classes for Android, header files and native implementations are already there, so I guess it will be fairly easy to bind to desktop Java.

It would be really great to be able to run same code on both Android and desktop Java (Except for GUI and some other minor parts for sure)

Android is great but developing this kind of applications on desktop Java is much easier. For example you can open several windows at the same time.

I'm aware of JavaCV but it doesn't help this purpose:

  • It lacks C++ bindings (No Mat class for instance)
  • It has a totally different package structure than OpenCV4Android

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