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2015-03-11 05:57:29 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2013-04-27 00:49:57 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2012-08-04 11:31:11 -0600 answered a question opencv slow on ubuntu

i have set the compile/link to release mode. but nothing gets better. have you guys ever used opencv with ubuntu before with success? i have read online that opencv is slow when used with ubuntu. is it true?

2012-08-03 07:40:06 -0600 asked a question opencv slow on ubuntu

hi, i have written an application to detect roads. the input to my program comes from an IP camera. i use opencv 2.4.0, eclipse IDE and ubuntu 11.10. the program works but the frame rate is really slow (i get one frame every 4 seconds). i have tested the same code on windows using opencv 2.1.0 and visual c 2008. the code on windows works perfectly fine (almost real-time). but as i said the same code on ubuntu has terrible performance. the road detection is based on Hough transform. one last point i have to mention is that if i comment all the processing done on the input, the frame rate will become real-time on ubuntu but if i do the processing needed to detect roads the frame-rate will drop very low.