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2017-08-01 03:51:09 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-07-19 02:00:15 -0600 commented answer Unsupported format or combination of formats in buildIndex using FLANN algorithm

For situations where the dataset is large and the speed matters a lot, using FLANN was the only option. This conversion was the need of the hour. Can't use SURF(need to pay for that), so the only option seems to be using ORB with FLANN. Any other suggestions in my case of usage??

2017-07-19 01:30:02 -0600 commented answer FLANN error in OpenCV 3

I had the same problem it seems that Flann needs the descriptors to be of type CV_32F. Try doing this before matching descriptors_1.convertTo(descriptors_1, CV_32F); descriptors_2.convertTo(descriptors_2, CV_32F);

2017-07-19 01:27:10 -0600 answered a question Unsupported format or combination of formats in buildIndex using FLANN algorithm

I had the same problem it seems that Flann needs the descriptors to be of type CV_32F. Try doing this before matching descriptors_1.convertTo(descriptors_1, CV_32F); descriptors_2.convertTo(descriptors_2, CV_32F);