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2016-01-08 09:32:09 -0600 commented question combining opencv with raspberry pi camera

I have a project that's currently working under opencv 2.3.1. If I upgrade, does it affect it? I think every opencv version has its own way of programming, function names change.

2016-01-08 09:31:02 -0600 commented answer combining opencv with raspberry pi camera

Okay but how will I do this? It basically doesnt work if I include cv and raspicam.h to the c project, I need to prepare a build file. How will I do this?

2016-01-07 13:28:46 -0600 asked a question combining opencv with raspberry pi camera


I want to do image processing using Rpi camera and opencv and I am beginner. I have opencv 2.3.1 on my raspberry pi and I can do the tutorials on opencv webpage using cmake.

Also, I have rpi cam and was able to do these prerequisites to launch raspicamtest executable and it is working.

  1. I didn't understand "Using the static library" section. What will I do with those strings? It seems like they should be written in a buildme file or something?
  2. I need to use opencv codes on the images or videos captured by raspberry pi camera. When I manipulate the code (RaspiCam.c) to include an opencv function (e.g. imwrite), it doesnt recognize that function this time. What should I do to combine these two?

Any kind of help is highly appreciated.