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2017-07-18 09:00:20 -0600 commented answer R200 Depth stream on opencv

yes. I try to inverse image.but i found problem is pixel in gray will inverse too.

2017-07-18 06:39:36 -0600 commented answer R200 Depth stream on opencv

Thank for reply.But I try this code.It doesn't help me. My depth image show black or dark if object near camera but I want to show white.

2017-07-18 02:46:01 -0600 commented question R200 Depth stream on opencv

Sorry.I don't know what it's called. In demo picture if any object is closer or near camera it's show white but in my picture it's show dark;

2017-07-18 01:58:42 -0600 asked a question R200 Depth stream on opencv


I am working with the RealSense R200 camera using Visual Studio(c++) and opencv. I need to use OpenCV to do image processing so I converted the PXCImage * into cv::Mat. But, as you can see, the two images are different.

My main problem is each pixel in my image when object closer camera it show black but in demo it show white.

Does anybody can help me?

Demo in realsense:

image description

Result of my code use opencv:

image description

    void main() {  
Mat imageColor;  
Mat imageDepth;  

// Create a PXCSenseManager instance  
PXCSenseManager *sm = PXCSenseManager::CreateInstance();  

// Select the color stream  
sm->EnableStream(PXCCapture::STREAM_TYPE_COLOR, 640, 480, 30);  
sm->EnableStream(PXCCapture::STREAM_TYPE_DEPTH, 320, 240, 30);  
// Initialize and Stream Samples  

for (;;) {  
// This function blocks until a color sample is ready  
if (sm->AcquireFrame(true)<PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) break;  

// retrieve the sample  
PXCCapture::Sample *sample = sm->QuerySample();  
if (sample->color != NULL) {  
ConvertPXCImageToOpenCVMat(sample->color, &imageColor);  
namedWindow("imageColor", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);   
imshow("imageColor", imageColor);  
if (sample->depth != NULL) {  
ConvertPXCImageToOpenCVMat(sample->depth, &imageDepth);  
imageDepth.convertTo(imageDepth, CV_8U, 255.0 / 4096.0);  

namedWindow("imageDepth", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);  
imshow("imageDepth", imageDepth);  

if (waitKey(1) >= 0) break;  
// Close down  

//ConvertPXCImageToOpenCVMat From  
void ConvertPXCImageToOpenCVMat(PXCImage *inImg, Mat *outImg) {  
int cvDataType;  
int cvDataWidth;  

PXCImage::ImageData data;  
inImg->AcquireAccess(PXCImage::ACCESS_READ, &data);  
PXCImage::ImageInfo imgInfo = inImg->QueryInfo();  
switch (data.format) {  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2: /* YUY2 image  */  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12: /* NV12 image */  
throw(0); // Not implemented  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB32: /* BGRA layout on a little-endian machine */  
cvDataType = CV_8UC4;  
cvDataWidth = 4;  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24: /* BGR layout on a little-endian machine */  
cvDataType = CV_8UC3;  
cvDataWidth = 3;  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_Y8:  /* 8-Bit Gray Image, or IR 8-bit */  
cvDataType = CV_8U;  
cvDataWidth = 1;  

case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH: /* 16-bit unsigned integer with precision mm. */  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_RAW: /* 16-bit unsigned integer with device specific precision (call device->QueryDepthUnit()) */  
cvDataType = CV_16U;//cv16u  
cvDataWidth = 2;  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_F32: /* 32-bit float-point with precision mm. */  
cvDataType = CV_32F;  
cvDataWidth = 4;  

case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16:          /* 16-Bit Gray Image */  
cvDataType = CV_16U;  
cvDataWidth = 2;  
case PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_Y8_IR_RELATIVE:    /* Relative IR Image */  
cvDataType = CV_8U;  
cvDataWidth = 1;  

// suppose that no other planes  
if (data.planes[1] != NULL) throw(0); // not implemented  
 // suppose that no sub pixel padding needed  
if (data.pitches[0] % cvDataWidth != 0) throw(0); // not implemented  

outImg->create(imgInfo.height, data.pitches[0] / cvDataWidth, cvDataType);  

memcpy(outImg->data, data.planes[0], imgInfo.height*imgInfo.width*cvDataWidth * sizeof(pxcBYTE));  