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2013-05-03 20:09:13 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-05-03 18:56:21 -0600 asked a question EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Error for find contours function


I am using cvFindContours to find the contours of edge detected frames. First I use cvCanny to get the edges frame from actual frame. Then I am trying to find the contours.Here is my code structure

//used cvcanny to get cur and next frames

 CvMemStorage curstorage=CvMemStorage.create();
 CvMemStorage nextstorage=CvMemStorage.create();

 CvSeq cursquares = new CvContour();
 CvSeq nextsquares = new CvContour();

 cvFindContours(cur, curstorage, cursquares, Loader.sizeof(CvContour.class),CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

cvFindContours(next, nextstorage, nextsquares, Loader.sizeof(CvContour.class),CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

When I run the code I get Access Violation Exception.Here is the exception details.

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000062e3c320, pid=9184, tid=6236

JRE version: 7.0_17-b02 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops) Problematic frame: C [msvcr100.dll+0x3c320] memset+0x80

Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows

I am not sure where I am going wrong.Any suggestions regarding this will be helpful.Thank you.

2013-05-03 17:58:07 -0600 asked a question Difference between frames after edge detection


I use cvCanny function to detect edges on each frames. Now I need to to find the difference of consecutive edge frames calculated using cvCanny. How can I do that ?