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2013-04-11 12:34:47 -0600 asked a question How to use the xml file from opencv_traincascade

Hi, I had worked with opencv_haartraining but it took days, then I tried with opencv_traincascade, there's a big improve in time, it just took few hours, but I don't know how use the xml file generated (cascade.xml) or its other xml files (stage0.xml -> stageN.xml). How did you make it work?? can you help me with this??

2013-04-11 12:28:59 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-04-11 12:15:04 -0600 answered a question LBP based Face Detection

Hi, I had worked with opencv_haartraining but it took days, then I tried with opencv_traincascade, there's a big improve in time, it just took few hours, but I don't know how use the xml file produced (cascade.xml) or its other xml files (stage0.xml -> stageN.xml). How did you make it work?? can you please tell me??

2013-04-11 11:52:36 -0600 answered a question Explanation of cascade.xml in a haar classifier

The structure of the xml file from opencv_haartraining and the xml file from opencv_traincascade are different. There are info about how to use the xml file from opencv_haartraining but I can't find info about how to use the xml file from opencv_traincascade (cascade.xml) or their files stage0.xml to stageN.xml. Does anybody know how to use it????