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2013-04-10 05:06:23 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-04-10 04:53:17 -0600 asked a question Cmake 2.4.4 with vc11 x86 on Win7 64bits

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to build OpenCV 2.4.4 with VC11 x86 (VS2012) on Win7 64bits, in order to get the .pdb files that i need for my project to work.

However, Cmake gives me the following error :

"CMake fails to deterimine the bitness of target platform."

Do you have any idea ?

I've been struggling with this for days. I'm a total newbie (it's for a school project) with CMake and all that stuff. I understand there's something to do with a toolchain file, is that right ?

Note : If anyone just had the .pdb files to provide, i would greatly appreciate :)