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2016-01-04 08:46:05 -0600 commented answer VideoCapture not obtaining newest frames when I run read()

So, there's not anything "wrong" happening with the video capture? Or is this just a way to circumvent the issue? I'll try this, but I'm using Python instead of C++.

2015-12-28 10:41:09 -0600 asked a question VideoCapture not obtaining newest frames when I run read()

Hey guys, I'm using a VideoCapture from a C920 to read() the latest/newest images from the camera. I've noticed that unless I'm constantly looping the, that I don't get the newest images but something in a buffer since the picture is clearly "older" than what the current frame should be.

I'm using this with ROS/mavros to command a multicopter to move, if that relates to anything. I might be able to get some code here if what I said doesn't make sense. Has anyone heard of this happening? Is there another way to grab the newest image from the camera?
