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2016-08-02 10:12:22 -0600 commented question Google play alert about libpng security warning with openCV 2.4.11

Need the solution too.

2015-12-26 09:49:02 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-12-26 09:47:16 -0600 commented question result error on matchTemplate of black image

The result array('d', [1.0]) shows that the matching is 100%. It is incorrect.

2015-12-26 05:14:44 -0600 commented question result error on matchTemplate of black image

Tried it on Android with opencv 3.1.0. The result is the same.

2015-12-25 08:11:25 -0600 commented question opencv 3.0.0 java problem on windows

Same problem. Why does it take so long and is there no answer?

2015-12-25 07:09:10 -0600 asked a question result error on matchTemplate of black image

On both version 2.4.10 and 2.4.11.
Following codes are tested in Jython on Win7 64-bit

screen = Highgui.imread( "screen.png", Highgui.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
target = Highgui.imread( "target.png", Highgui.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
res = Mat();
Imgproc.matchTemplate(screen, target, res, Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
print(res.get(0, 0));

The result is

array('d', [1.0])

Here [1.0] means that the matching at coordinate (0, 0) is 100%. It is incorrect.

Attached files: C:\fakepath\screen.png C:\fakepath\target.png

A similar problem is posted in DevZone
It said the bug is solved.
But my codes still showed the bug.