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2013-05-17 02:27:23 -0600 asked a question The Red Ball Position relative to the camera

hello, I'm working on tracking objects and I found this piece of code works correctly. Except that the position I have is from the center of the circles and I what I want is the position relative to the camera. there is someone who does it how to sit?

// trackerTEST.cpp

///////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

    CvSize size320x240 = cvSize(320,240); // use a 320 x 240 size for all windows, also make sure your webcam is set to 320 x 240

    CvCapture* p_capWebcam;                           // we will assign our webcam video stream to this later...

    IplImage* p_imgOriginal;                          // pointer to an image structure, this will be the input image from webcam
    IplImage* p_imgProcessed;                         // pointer to an image structure, this will be the processed image
                                                                              /* IPL is short for Intel Image Processing Library, this is the structer used in OpenCV 1.x to work with images */

    CvMemStorage* p_strStorage;                       // necessary storage variable to pass into cvHoughCircles()

    CvSeq* p_seqCircles;                              // pointer to an OpenCV sequence. will be returned by cvHoughCircles() and will contain all circles
                                                                              // calling cvGetSeqElem(p_seqCircles, i) will return a 3 element array of the ith circle (see next variable)

    float* p_fltXYRadius;                             // pointer to a 3 element array of floats
                                                                              // [0] => x position of detected object
                                                                              // [1] => y position of detected object
                                                                              // [2] => z position of detected object

    int i;                                                            // loop counter
    char charCheckForEscKey;                          // char for checking key press (Esc exits program)

    p_capWebcam = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);        // 0 => use 1st webcam, may have to change to a different number if you have multiple cameras

    if(p_capWebcam == NULL){                          // if capture failed . . .
            printf("error: capture is NULL \n");            // error message to standard out . . .
            getchar();                                                                      // getchar() to pause for user see message . . .
            return(-1);                                                                     // exit program

                                                                              // declare 2 windows
    cvNamedWindow("Original", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);  // original image from webcam
    cvNamedWindow("Processed", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // processed image we will use for detecting circles

    p_imgProcessed = cvCreateImage(size320x240,             // 320 x 240 pixels (CvSize struct from earlier)
                                                               IPL_DEPTH_8U,        // 8 bit color depth
                                                               1);                          // 1 channel (grayscale), if this was a color image, use 3

    while(true){                                              // for each frame . . .
            p_imgOriginal = cvQueryFrame(p_capWebcam);      // get frame from webcam

            if(p_imgOriginal == NULL){                                      // if frame capture failed . . .
                    printf("error: frame is NULL \n");              // error message to std out

            cvInRangeS(p_imgOriginal,                                       // function input
                               CV_RGB(175,   0,   0),                       // min filtering value (if color is greater than or equal to this)
                               CV_RGB(256, 100, 100),                       // max filtering value (if color is less than this)
                               p_imgProcessed);                                     // function output

            p_strStorage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);           // allocate necessary memory storage variable to pass into cvHoughCircles()

                                                                                    // smooth the processed image, this will make it easier for the next function to pick out the circles
            cvSmooth(p_imgProcessed,                        // function input
                             p_imgProcessed,                        // function output
                             CV_GAUSSIAN,                           // use Gaussian filter (average nearby pixels, with closest pixels weighted more)
                             9,                                                     // smoothing filter window width
                             9);                                            // smoothing filter window height

                                                                                                    // fill sequential structure with all circles in processed image
            p_seqCircles = cvHoughCircles(p_imgProcessed,           // input image, note that this has to be grayscale (no color)
                                                                      p_strStorage,                 // provide function with memory storage, makes function return a pointer to a CvSeq
                                                                      CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT,    // two pass algorithm for detecting circles, this is ...
2013-04-08 03:16:58 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2013-04-08 03:16:51 -0600 commented answer Tracking 3D + rotation matrix

Thank you so much , i tried to compile the tutorial code of POSIT it works with only a specific image for a cube : "IplImage img = cvLoadImage( "C:\img.jpg" );". I need image from a capture video not from a known image : "IplImage *img; // capture from video device CvCapture capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0); // create a window to display the images cvNamedWindow("mainWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    // retrieve the captured frame

and then how can i track the cube and use the POSIT algorithm

2013-04-05 07:53:00 -0600 asked a question Tracking 3D + rotation matrix

Hi , Does anyone know how need track an object ( a cube for example)? I need as output the x,y,z postion and the matrix rotation of the object