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2013-04-22 17:32:03 -0600 commented answer How do I fix "cannot find or open PBD files visual studio 2010 express

Thank you. I tried to move to 4.0 and had tbb_debug.dll not found or.... I don't know how to MAKE so need binaries. Are the included in 2.4.5? I'll try to switch. The book I bought was written for 2.2 so I thought it best to begin with that version. Thanks again.

2013-04-22 16:34:15 -0600 asked a question How do I fix "cannot find or open PBD files visual studio 2010 express

When I comple (opencv 2.2) I get a string of these warnings. Program runs but all camera input images are grey. Could this be why. On of the modules it cant open is vidc32.dll; but the file is there and in the proper folder.

2013-04-05 13:31:18 -0600 commented answer What is the best way to open and input a camera image?

Not using straight c that I know of. Will trim code down and send today. Thanks again.

2013-04-04 17:24:01 -0600 commented answer What is the best way to open and input a camera image?

It returns 1. Also tried capture>>frame, capture.grab & retrieve(frame). All return 1 but still no imshow('name',frame) other than grey. Also retuns zero for width and color!!! Thanks for your help. Maybe I should do straight c++?

2013-04-04 12:29:01 -0600 commented answer Reading a Video File at "Real Time" fps

I said "as long as it is slower, of course." My system reading at 10 fps with medium hi res 1280. If you need speed, you need fast hardware or reduce you window size etc.

2013-04-04 12:23:34 -0600 commented answer What is the best way to open and input a camera image?

Tried that already. Camera opens and lights up, but returns 0 size and fps.

2013-04-03 15:28:33 -0600 answered a question Reading a Video File at "Real Time" fps

You can read the frame rate achieved with ' double rate=capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); '. Then you can add an internal delay in your loop to match the speed you want (as long as it is slower, of course). Hope this helps.

2013-04-03 15:16:29 -0600 asked a question What is the best way to open and input a camera image?

I am using opencv2.2 with windows vista. All I see is a grey image when calling the camera input. Can someone suggest me the best camera input method?

include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
include <opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp>
include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
include <iostream>
include <stdio.h>
include <windows.h>

using namespace cv; using namespace std; bool fg=1; bool cg=1;

int threshold_value = 70; int threshold_type = 0;; int const max_value = 255; int const max_type = 4; int const max_BINARY_value = 255; char* window_name = "Threshold Demo";

int main() { if(1){

//VideoCapture capture("2013.wmv"); 
//"2013.wmv" open the default camera (0)
//  VideoCapture  set(CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB);

VideoCapture capture(0); VideoCapture set(CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB);


if(!capture.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded