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2019-08-19 19:13:12 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-07-11 12:15:59 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-11-17 03:12:48 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-11-17 03:12:48 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-07-10 01:14:17 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-09-26 07:23:48 -0600 commented question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

@berak what is 'p'? Didn't find anything about this in sklearn's docs. Also isn't it contradictory to have a gamma with

2017-09-26 06:28:59 -0600 commented question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

@berak , I tried using 200 pictures per person. But hte issue is still the same and still unsolved. I tried a one-vs-res

2017-09-20 14:25:29 -0600 commented question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

@berak , what classifier do you think would be the most suited then? SVM, random forest, ...?

2017-09-20 14:13:32 -0600 edited question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3? I am working on a p

2017-09-20 14:10:51 -0600 commented question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

@berak , this might sound stupid but: regarding random forests it basically is just a successions of if statements. Woul

2017-09-20 14:10:27 -0600 commented question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

@berak , regarding random forests it basically is just a successions of if statements. Wouldn't it be possible to tweak/

2017-09-20 13:59:50 -0600 edited question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3? I am working on a p

2017-09-20 13:58:31 -0600 commented question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

@berak indeed, that's what I thought. In that case what solution/work around do I have?

2017-09-20 13:49:09 -0600 asked a question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3? I am working on a p

2017-09-20 13:48:43 -0600 asked a question Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3?

Machine learning- what classifier to use to classify: object 1, object 2, object 3, none of those 3? I am working on a p

2017-09-16 03:42:52 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@Tetragramm , I thinkl the reason why my undistortion isn't great is because the points I selected (indicated by the red

2017-09-15 19:39:58 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@tetragramm my bad this is the input: Those two identical links, in my previous comment, are t

2017-09-15 19:38:59 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@tetragramm my bad this is the input: Those two links are the output.

2017-09-15 18:41:02 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@Tetragramm , I think I managed to undistort my image without a chessboard using only 1 image :). This input: https://im

2017-09-15 18:40:09 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@Tetragramm , I managed to undistort my image without a chessboard using only 1 image :). This input:

2017-09-15 18:38:13 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@Tetragramm , I managed to undistort my image using only 1 image :). This input: gave me this

2017-09-15 03:09:44 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@tetragramm , I ended up using this image with a chessboard: provided by this website: https:/

2017-09-15 03:08:53 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@tetragramm , I ended up using this image with a chessboard: provided by this website: https:/

2017-09-14 09:14:12 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@berak , I don't see what difference I may get if I would place a checkerboard in front of the camera. At the end of the

2017-09-14 08:54:15 -0600 commented question issue camera calibration

@berak , what would you suggest me to try, if this is the only image I may have currently? I think the points I choose s

2017-09-14 08:49:40 -0600 edited question issue camera calibration

issue camera calibration Hello I am trying to calibrate a camera with a fisheye lens. I therefor used the fisheye lens

2017-09-14 08:48:46 -0600 edited question issue camera calibration

issue camera calibration Hello I am trying to calibrate a camera with a fisheye lens. I therefor used the fisheye lens

2017-09-14 08:47:13 -0600 edited question issue camera calibration

issue camera calibration Hello I am trying to calibrate a camera with a fisheye lens. I therefor used the fisheye lens

2017-09-14 08:44:50 -0600 asked a question issue camera calibration

issue camera calibration Hello I am trying to calibrate a camera with a fisheye lens. I therefor used the fisheye lens

2017-09-14 07:33:14 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2017-09-13 06:49:18 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2017-09-06 09:00:06 -0600 edited question manually specified variables were not used: BUILD_opencv_python2

manually specified variables were not used: BUILD_opencv_python2 Hello I am trying to build openCV2.4 (I need that spec

2017-09-06 08:57:27 -0600 asked a question manually specified variables were not used: BUILD_opencv_python2

manually specified variables were not used: BUILD_opencv_python2 Hello I am trying to build openCV2.4 (I need that spec

2017-09-03 13:56:41 -0600 commented answer How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?

Exactly what I needed. Thank you very much!

2017-09-03 13:56:23 -0600 marked best answer How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?


I have those two images:

image description

image description

I'd like to blend the overlapping parts in order to obtain an image like this (but where the corners are blended):

image description

On the last image you can see that the 2 parts of my image are overlapping, while I actually like to blend that region.

And this is the result i obtained so far by using the code below : image description

I actually want to obtain a continuous smooth image.

How can this be achieved without creating artifacts?


//g++ stitcher2.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv) -o main

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/aruco.hpp"
#include "opencv2/aruco/dictionary.hpp"
#include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp"

#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(void)

    Mat horizontalImg = imread("/home/a/Desktop/part1.png");
    Mat verticalImg = imread("/home/a/Desktop/part2.png");
    Mat output = Mat::zeros(horizontalImg.cols, verticalImg.rows, CV_8UC3);

    //imshow("a", horizontalImg);
    //imshow("b", verticalImg);

    int widthOverlap = 149;
    int heightOverlap = 152;
    Vec3b white = (255, 255, 255);

    for(int i=0;i<verticalImg.rows;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<horizontalImg.cols;j++)
          <Vec3b>(i,j) = (0.5 *<Vec3b>(i,j)) + (0.5 *<Vec3b>(i,j));

          <Vec3b>(i,j) =<Vec3b>(i,j);
         <Vec3b>(i,j) =<Vec3b>(i,j);
         <Vec3b>(i,j) = white;


    imshow("final result", output);

    return 0;
2017-09-03 13:56:23 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-09-03 09:21:17 -0600 edited question How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?

How to blend a horizontal and vertical image? Hello I have those two images: I'd like to blend the overlapping par

2017-09-03 08:48:52 -0600 edited question How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?

How to blend a horizontal and vertical image? Hello I have those two images: I'd like to blend the overlapping par

2017-09-03 06:55:55 -0600 edited question How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?

How to blend a horizontal and vertical image? Hello I have those two images: and http://imgur

2017-09-03 06:45:29 -0600 edited question How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?

How to blend a horizontal and vertical image? Hello I have those two images: and http://imgur

2017-09-03 06:42:22 -0600 asked a question How to blend a horizontal and vertical image?

How to blend a horizontal and vertical image? Hello I have those two images: and http://imgur

2017-09-02 17:28:37 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-09-02 15:58:22 -0600 asked a question How to have the canvas fit the transformed image when using warpperspective?

How to have the canvas fit the transformed image when using warpperspective? Hello My question is fairly simple. This i

2017-08-21 03:24:36 -0600 commented answer How to copy vector to a row of a Mat using openCV 2.4.11?

hmm well I want to detect the location of hands in an image. So I guess I'll need the function detectMultiScale at one moment or another.... So does that mean I have to modify my parameters (although -without wanting to sound rude- what you suggest doesn't seem to be what I need)?

2017-08-21 03:09:37 -0600 commented answer How to copy vector to a row of a Mat using openCV 2.4.11?

thanks for the hints, I have read the docs and had a look at the source code. Note that I already have a linear kernel (line 83) and use C_SVC as a SVM type rather than SVR because I want classification (hand/ no hand) rather than regression in order to detect a hand in an image. Feel free to correct me if I misunderstood what you meant or something else.

2017-08-21 02:52:00 -0600 commented answer How to copy vector to a row of a Mat using openCV 2.4.11?

What do you suggest for the hog features, if you say they are 10x bigger than the usual? This is how I did it: I think the way i did lays in line with the examples provided by the docs and the infor I could find online.

Also I currently don't have the time to download 1000 images of hands :) , I ll try to do that later, currently I am using this just for testing purposes. Do I understand this corrrectly: if I have 1k images or less I can use eg SVM, while if I have more than 1k images I m better off using neural nets?