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2017-06-30 14:58:18 -0600 commented question Output of DFT is the same as input

We're looking at your links but we don't understand most of it :(.

2017-06-30 14:57:12 -0600 commented question Output of DFT is the same as input

I think that we're trying to do something simple but without proper preparation we're unable to do anything.

Like my friend described we have an image. It's a image of object. We detect contour and put it in vector <point> ( vector with 2541 elements for example [20 , 70]. After using dft() and normalize. As output we know that we need 64 elements. It's tricky because we don't exactly know what our output is. We only know how is should look like. We don't have much information about image analysis and I think that's our biggest problem.

I believe that we should us two examples from openCV documentation:


2017-06-30 12:28:07 -0600 asked a question Output of DFT is the same as input

I have a problem with understanding DFT.

I'm trying to create simple program to test this function.

vector <complex<double> > singlePointAsComplex;
std::complex<double> c(1,2);
singlePointAsComplex.push_back (c);
Mat resMat;
dft(singlePointAsComplex, resMat, DFT_SCALE);
std::cout << "resMat = " << std::endl << resMat << std::endl;

As the output i receive:

resMat = [1, 2]

What i'm doing wrong?